Under Construction WordPress Theme Documentation

Welcome to Under Construction WordPress Theme. This Documentaiton will guid you. If you need any help please click on it Support section.


  1. Theme Installation
  2. Homepage Setup
  3. Header
    1. Contact info & social media
    2. Site name / logo
  4. Homepage Section
    1. Home Heading / Subheading
    2. Opening Date
    3. Social Link
    4. Enquiry Section
    5. Background
  5. Footer
  6. Support

1. Theme Installation

a. Through WordPress Dashboard

  1. Go to the menu Appearance > Themes and click on Add New button.
  2. Click on Upload Theme button.
  3. Click on Browse button and navigate to the unzipped theme package on your computer.
  4. Look for a file called under-construction.zip Click on it to select, then click OK.
  5. Click on Install Now button and wait until the installation is complete.
  6. Click on Activate link to activate the theme on your WordPress site.
  7. Go to Appearance >> Customize.
Note: Some servers have limited folder access settings applied and wouldn't allow uploading the theme trough the admin - in these case you have to upload the theme via FTP.

b. Manual Installation using FTP client

If you know the FTP login details of the server where your site is hosted and you have a FTP client installed (such as FileZilla), you might consider using this way of uploading your theme.

  1. Unzip the under-construction.zip file
  2. Using an FTP client to access your host web server. Go to /wp-content/themes
  3. Upload theme to /wp-content/themes/
  4. Go to Appearance -> Themes and activate theme from Dashboard.
    1. First you have to unzip the download file, find the zip file called under-construction.zip, unzip it and upload the folder to the main WordPress installation folder » wp-content » themes. Please note that if you prefer this way of installation, you have to make sure that the main files of the theme are contained just within one folder of the themes folder.

    You can activate the theme after it is uploaded on the server. In order to activate this theme you have to go to the admin panel » Appearance » Themes. In this section you should see the theme with a title Under Construction . Just click on the Activate button and your theme should get activated.

    c. Plugin Installation

    Please download customizer-export-import.zip file and upload that plugin through plugin section

    1. To upload plugin please check plugin link https://wordpress.org/plugins/customizer-export-import/ It will guid you how to upload plugin.
    2. After install plugin activate it. then Go to Appearance -> customize -> Import/Export.
    3. Then Download file from bellow link http://themescave.com/documentation/under-construction/under-construction-export.dat
    4. If file is not downloaded then save it with fbizz-consult-pro-import.dat
    5. After that upload that under-construction-export.dat file in import section.
    6. In that way your theme is installed.

    2. Homepage Setup

    After activating the Under Construction theme, please setup homepage using following

    3. The header

    The header consists of Two main elements:

    a. Contact info & social media

    To customize the top header bar of contact information, phone number
    Go to Appearance » Customize » Theme Settings » Phone and email

    b. Changing the site name / logo

    If you don't have your logo image then you can use site name and tagline. To change site name and tagline
    Go to Settings » General » Site Title

    OR if you want to uplaod logo for your website go to Appearance » customize » Site identity

    6. Homepage Section

    1. Heading & Subheading!

    To manage this section

    2. Opening Date

    3. Social link

    To manage this section

    4. Enquiry Section

    To manage this section go to Appearnce >> Customize >> Enquiry Form


    To add plugin go to Plugins >> Add New >> enter Contact Form 7 >> Then click on Install >> Activate

    Add contact form 7 plugin shortcode add Enquiry form shotcode here box

    Install Contact form 7 plugin and activate it. After that go to click on Contact >> contact forms >> Contact form 1 and add bellow code in Form Section

    [text* your-name placeholder="Your Name"]
    [email* your-email placeholder="Your Email"]
    [text your-subject placeholder="Subject"]
    [textarea your-message placeholder="Your Message"]
    [submit "Send"]

    5. Background

    7. Footer

    The Footer section consists of two main elements:

    To manage footer section go to the Appearance >> Customize >> Theme Settings >> Footer

    15. Support